Bullet Brothers is a Duo that once again composes of Ramon, but also another friend of mine EveryDayIsPain. They have been making music together and I really wanted to create some visuals for them.
Unfinished – This is an unfinished track that I have been played a preview of. This was actually one of the first few Covers that I fully modeled something in blender. That something is a dental phantom wearing a VR Headset.
The song gave off a very gritty and futuristic vibe which is what I was going for with this cover. Personally, this is my favorite cover that I have made so far. After making this, I once again felt this needed to have a visualizer – so I hopped in blender.
At first it was very challenging to model something from nothing but with enough time and effort I managed to put together a 3D model of the cover and I made it move.
As you can see this is only a preview because the track is still being worked on.
Another Cover that I made for the Bullet Brothers was for a track called Breakcore Breakdown.
Produced by EveryDayIsPain and the vocals were done by Ramon.
This song has a more serious tone where Ramon talks about his feelings and explores his negativity. As soon as I head the track I immediately envisioned a man with a CRT TV on his head slouched up against a wall as if he’s given up – sporting a prison jumpsuit to symbolize the entrapment one can feel when times get rough. This is one of my more recent 3D models.